8.1 29 April 2019
April sees our first major update to version eight which introduces a series of small, but useful new tools to more easily manage project information.
Additional Customisation Options
Advanced customisation gets new capabilities with data validation fields. Data validation ensures project users select only validated metadata when creating or editing cases.
Optional or Mandatory Items
Cases that include items can now be set to either optional or mandatory, useful for safety or defect inspections that have no actionable items.
Item Completion Ratio in Register and Analytics
Cases that include items are now easier to manage and view in register and analytics with a new column showing the completion ratio of each case.
Replying to Closed Cases
Teams can now reply to cases in a closed status. Users are given the option to either reply only or reply and reopen the case for further investigation, giving teams the flexibility to simply respond or reopen a case which might require further investigation.
Linking Improvements
Projects that have in excess of 50,000 cases are now much faster and easier to link together thanks to technology that learns individual user habits to show more relevant results.
Unsure about implementing a project management solution in your company? Drop us a message on our website, we’ve been there and are happy to help.