Everything Coming in 6.1

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Released in mid-March, Version 6.0 was our most significant update since debuting Glaass. We’re closing in on a new round of features in pursuit of creating the ultimate construction management platform for contractors; this is what’s coming next.

New Features

  •    Any user can now checkoff ITP checklists linked to quality records. Glaass also records the user who completed each item.   
  •    You can now select multiple users and companies when creating a case, if multiple parties are responsible.  
  •    You can now see that date and time a user has viewed a case.   
  •    You can now use the keyboard to complete tasks if you find that more convenient.   
  •    The dashboard counter now automatically updates every minute.

General Improvements

  •    We’ve redesigned the single selection icon to differentiate it from the multiple selection icon.  
  •    When viewing a case the ID is now colour coordinated to match the status.   
  •    You can now directly access a user’s details from within a case.   
  •    We’ve included the revision of Documents, Drawings and ITP’s in Deep String Search to quicker locate specific versions.   
  •    Glaass Analytics now shows coloured case ID’s in detailed tab to highlight statuses.   
  •    We have revised the links summary on cases to show Document, Drawing and ITP revisions.

The release is on track for late-May 2017, and will be followed by Version 6.2 which is devised and in early beta stages.

Boost communication and efficiency on your construction project with Glaass